Навчання Ерготерапії в Україні


In this project, three Ukrainian higher education institutions (HEIs) will receive support from Belgian and Portuguese HEIs to implement an occupational therapy training program in accordance with the standards of the World Federation of Occupational Therapists. The innovation of this training program will lie in the extensive number of internships and practical classes in newly equipped classrooms. Thus, not only will the HEI lecturers learn to teach according to the new program, but hospital and rehabilitation center staff will also be actively involved in the educational process and training. Workplace representatives will play a crucial role as instructors and mentors for students during their internships.

Active participation of the government is also anticipated, as its support is needed to officially recognize the skills of these new professionals. Additionally, rehabilitation centers often operate only with government approval, making the government's decision crucial in determining the required qualifications for the personnel.

Project Activity Areas:

  • Development and implementation of new educational programs
  • Enhancing the quality of higher education and increasing its relevance to the labor market and society
  • Improving competencies and skills in HEIs through the development of new and Innovative educational programs

Detailed information on the Website www.ukrothe.eu ,


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