Rehabilitation after a mine-explosion injury

In just three months at Modrychi, Andrii Skorbatiuk achieved remarkable results.

Реабілітація після мінно-вибухового поранення

Andrii Skorbatiuk (43 years old, Kharkiv) has been a combatant since 2015. A junior sergeant, he was awarded the Order of Courage.

❌Before rehabilitation: immobile, non-verbal, with a tracheostomy and gastrostomy.

✔️After rehabilitation: began speaking, moving, was verticalized, had the tracheostomy and gastrostomy removed, learned to breathe and eat independently, and is learning to walk.

On January 14, he sustained a mine-explosion injury near Bakhmut.

Andrii was brought to the Medical Rehabilitation Center "Modrychi" by his wife, Svitlana. They have been together for 25 years, and it was with the support of his wife and daughter that Andrii was able to undergo the difficult rehabilitation process and return to life.

The support and understanding of loved ones are among the most crucial factors in recovery. When you have people by your side who fight alongside you and believe in you, it provides valuable motivation and the strength to keep moving forward. This creates an ideal synergy between doctors, physical therapists, and family members, making the rehabilitation process truly effective.

It's also very important for the rehabilitation team to have the capabilities and experience working with severe cases. Every month, seven patients receive treatment in our intensive care unit. The most critical patients are admitted immediately after being discharged from intensive care: with tracheostomies, nasogastric tubes, central venous catheters, epicystostomies, urinary catheters, and bedsores.

These patients are under the constant supervision of a multidisciplinary team of doctors, including a neurologist, anesthesiologist, cardiologist, urologist, therapist, surgeon, and PRM doctor. The department operates a 24-hour doctor and nurse post with equipment for monitoring vital signs. All conditions are created to ensure that the patient is under continuous medical care.
We are focused on ensuring that even in such severe conditions, patients utilize every opportunity for recovery and do not lose precious time. Time is crucial in rehabilitation.

Andrii Skorbatiuk

Harkiv sity

Diagnosis: mine-explosion injury

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Drohobych region,

Lviv state, 82186