In the morning, he was playing with his older brother, but by evening, he was completely paralyzed

"it's a miracle that he survived at all," the doctors said. and it's a great blessing that he retained all his cognitive abilities.


Bohdan Sharapov, 8 years old, Ternopil


  • Immobilized, tracheostomy, breathing with the help of a mechanical ventilator.


  • Independent breathing for 6-8 hours without the ventilator, became more resilient and motivated;
  • Strengthened leg and arm muscles, began stepping independently (with support for the torso and head);
  • Can walk 40-50 meters with breaks.


  • Encephalomyelitis, descending form with spinal cord involvement at the level of the medulla oblongata (MRI findings) with mixed tetraparesis—flaccid upper and central lower limbs transitioning to flaccid. Early recovery period. Tracheostomy.

In the morning, he was playing with his older brother, but by evening, he was completely paralyzed.

About a year ago, Bohdan’s mother received the devastating diagnosis of viral encephalomyelitis. His nervous system was severely affected, leaving Bohdan completely immobilized and unable to breathe on his own.

Bohdan began his recovery in the intensive care unit of the "Modrychi" Medical Rehabilitation Center, under round-the-clock medical supervision and on a mechanical ventilator.

Step by step, Bohdan improved, gradually spending more time breathing on his own.

"it's a miracle that he survived at all," the doctors said. and it's a great blessing that he retained all his cognitive abilities.

Every day, Bohdan had sessions with:
✔️ a kinesiotherapist (twice a day),
✔️ an occupational therapist,
✔️ a speech therapist,
✔️ a psychologist,
✔️ and an art therapist.

"The rehabilitation goals are for Bohdan to be able to sit, move, and walk with assistance on his own. It was also very important for us to help him overcome his fear and completely wean him off the ventilator so he could breathe independently. The medical team also focused on preventing infections, congestive pneumonia, and inflammatory processes, which are common in immobilized patients," says Iryna Lirnyk, the chief physician at MRC Modrychi.

The medical team closely monitored Bohdan’s condition daily, ready to respond to any changes; they ensured timely sanitation and cared for his tracheostomy.

The kinesiotherapist worked on strengthening Bohdan’s arm and leg muscles; the occupational therapist and speech therapist focused on his return to independent breathing.

"The opportunity for early rehabilitation in our center allows us to restore and influence all motor and cognitive functions as quickly as possible," says Oleg Masnyi, the chief rehabilitator at MRC "Modrychi," "and just as importantly, to prevent complications that arise from prolonged immobility."

Olha Melnyk, the founder of MRC Modrychi, is convinced that the professionalism of the team currently formed at the center allows them to take on the rehabilitation of patients in the most critical conditions, even those in a coma.

Always believe in yourself and keep fighting!

Bohdan Sharapov

Ternopil sity

Diagnosis: encephalomyelitis, descending form with spinal cord involvement at the level of the medulla oblongata (MRI findings) with mixed tetraparesis—flaccid upper and central lower limbs transitioning to flaccid. early recovery period. tracheostomy.
Patient of the Medical Rehabilitation Center "Modrychi"

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Drohobych region,

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