Early rehabilitation and strength of haracter

“I plan to stand on my own feet and leave here by myself.”
— Andriy Lyakhotsky

Реабілітація після ДТП

Andriy is 26 years old and from Chortkiv, Ternopil region.

A Terrible Car Accident and Its Consequences

His motorcycle collided with a truck, resulting in an open traumatic brain injury, severe brain and lung contusions, and multiple closed fractures of the facial bones. He experienced bilateral post-traumatic pneumonia and numerous facial reconstructive surgeries. He had six rib fractures, a wrist fracture, was in a coma, and was dependent on a ventilator.

Andriy arrived at the Medical Rehabilitation Center "Modrychi" directly in the intensive care unit, lying down, unable to bend his arms and legs, eat, or drink; with a tracheostomy, catheter, and feeding tube.

The Daily Path to Recovery

Patients like Andriy are under round-the-clock monitoring and continuous collective medical supervision at our center, as their condition requires immediate response to any deterioration.

That’s why a multidisciplinary team of doctors works on their recovery: neurologists, cardiologists, therapists, urologists, surgeons, and an anesthesiologist who is on duty 24/7. A nursing station operates around the clock.

Due to this organizational structure, we handle the rehabilitation of critically ill patients in comas, vegetative states, with tracheostomies, Foley catheters, nasogastric tubes, cystostomies, and gastrostomies.

Comfortable single and double rooms in the intensive care unit are equipped with communication systems connected to the medical station and supervision. Treatment and rehabilitation for severe patients are adjusted daily by doctors and physical therapists to consider all changes and achieve the desired recovery outcome. Physical therapy, speech therapy, and occupational therapy sessions with patients take place within the unit itself.

Strength of Character and Positive Outcome

Within twenty days of rehabilitation at "Modrychi," Andriy had his catheter, tube, and tracheostomy removed. He began to bend his legs, lift his arms, talk, and eat and drink independently. He was verticalized and started intensive sessions in the gym and pool. He began to stand and move his legs with support.

Andriy’s strength of character was evident, as the staff at "Modrychi" notes. From the first days, he fought desperately and said he would do everything possible to leave the center on his own. Such examples highlight the importance of starting early rehabilitation immediately after stabilizing the patient’s condition in hospitals.
Always believe in yourself and keep fighting!

Andriy Lyakhotskyi

Ternopil sity

Diagnosis: Open cranioencephalic injury, severe brain and lung contusion, closed multiple fractures of the facial skull; fractures of six ribs, wrist, coma, and dependence on mechanical ventilation...

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Kurortna 3/1 St., Modrychi village, 

Drohobych region,

Lviv state, 82186